Six decades of fair trade

The oldest and largest fair trade organization in North America marked its 60th anniversary this year. Ten Thousand Villages, based in Ontario, is an initiative of the Mennonite Central Committee, the relief and development agency of the church, and has been working around the world since 1946. Today there are 43 stores, along with hundreds of festival sales, selling products from over 120 artisan groups in 35 developing countries.
Recently returned from visits to artisans in Vietnam and Indonesia, Marv Frey, CEO of Ten Thousand Villages, offered this comment: “I've seen with my own eyes the difference that we make to some 125,000 people each day. The past, present and future of Ten Thousand Villages is grounded in our commitment to fair trade. We are all playing a part in changing people's lives for the better and that, to me, is a miracle. I want to congratulate and thank everyone that has helped us reach this milestone of 60 years. Who knows where another 60 years might take us!”
Ten Thousand Villages was a sponsor of the Record's fair trade contest give-away in 2005.