A singularly fine man

Re Thank You, Padre, November.
It was nice to see a photo of Padre Robert Seaborn. Our paths crossed on at least two occasions: the first when, as dean of the Anglican Cathedral in Quebec City, he officiated at my marriage to Rosalind Wiggs of that city. Although then an Anglican, she is a great granddaughter of Dr. John Cook, The Presbyterian Church of Canada's first moderator, and we have since for many years been members of Glenview in Toronto. Ecumenism as a practical lifestyle!
Then in the late 1960's I wrote a history of the Prince Class ships of the wartime Canadian Navy, of which HMCS Prince Henry was a landing ship infantry on D-Day, with Padre Seaborn, as in your photo, giving comfort and spiritual encouragement to those troops about to assault the Normandy beaches. We corresponded several times about his role on that momentous day and his stories added to making that history come alive with real people, not just ships in the abstract.
He was a singularly fine man, was later a bishop in his church, and a very real pleasure to have known.