I saw Jesus in Georgetown today

I saw Jesus in Georgetown today. Yes!
Did you miss him? Too bad for you.
Jesus said to expect his coming … and there he was!
He was in the market and little children touched him. He healed a vendor woman with a smile and threw out the rum demon from the coconut handler. He even gave living water to the Pepsi seller. Imagine! He broke bread with the owner of the roti shop. He told the beggar woman at the stelling to pick up her mat and go home. He caused quite a stir with his words with the moneychangers. He made people turn away as he carried the lumber in the heat of the day. Not even the crazy man does that.
Did you miss him? Too bad for you.
Will you look tomorrow, or maybe the next? Some say he often come Georgetown way, especially to the market, but not so much to Queenstown or Kitty, but down near the docks, down with the poor, the sick, the sinners.
Did you miss him? Too bad for you.
But I have an idea!
Why not go to the market and let the children touch you, just a little and then smile at an old vendor woman, and look the man with the rum demon right in the eye and drink Pepsi cola and eat roti with the people you meet and put a few coins in that crippled hand and send her on her way. Maybe if you do, Jesus will be there at the market, tomorrow, too.
– written while serving in Georgetown, Guyana.
(stelling: boat landing, roti: East Indian food somewhat like bread)