PWS&D reaches HIV-positive North

The Towards a World Without AIDS campaign of Presbyterian World Service and Development not only funds projects in far away countries; it assists people right here in Canada. As of December 31st, more than $1 million had been raised for the campaign since its launch in 2004. About $75,000 of that has been allocated to support projects in Canada, such as:

  • Positive Living North: No kh_yoh t'sih'en t'sehena Society fights the AIDS pandemic in northern British Columbia.
  • Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network helps raise the aboriginal profile in the battle against HIV/AIDS.
  • Healing Our Nations – Atlantic First Nations AIDS Network raises HIV/AIDS awareness among aboriginal women.

In Africa, funds from the campaign continue to support Ekwendeni Hospital in Malawi. In Asia, the church is providing education on the prevention of HIV/AIDS, access to testing facilities and distribution of condoms, as well as encouraging alternative income generating opportunities. In Central America, the Nimehuatzin Foundation promotes solidarity toward peoples living with HIV and the prevention of new HIV infections in several cities in Nicaragua. Campaign funds will help strengthen the assistance given to people living with HIV and AIDS, address discrimination and promote respect for human rights.
PWS&D is also contributing $50,000 of Canadian Foodgrains Bank equity toward a food aid program in Sudan. Led by the Mennonite Central Committee, 4,000 metric tons of Canadian wheat will reach extremely vulnerable people throughout that country. The total cost of the shipment is $5 million, with $1 million coming from CFGB members and $4 million from the Canadian International Development Agency. Food aid initiatives in Sudan are slowly moving from free ration handouts to programs where the beneficiaries are improving their ability to provide food for themselves.
PWS&D members travelled to India in November for the official inauguration of a rebuilt village that was destroyed during the Dec. 2004 tsunami. Individuals and congregations contributed more than $1.3 million to PWS&D's appeal, allowing a rapid response in the affected regions in partnership with Action by Churches Together. Donations have helped rebuild homes, restore water and sanitation facilities, replace fishing equipment and rebuild livelihoods. In addition to the funds raised by the PCC, Canadian churches pooled their resources to access $6 million in matching funds from CIDA — enough to completely rebuild six villages in India with homes, schools, clinics and community centers. To read about the inauguration of one of these villages, visit
PWS&D is asking Presbyterians to donate money to support people in Pakistan, who are facing another winter without adequate shelter after the devastating 7.6 magnitude earthquake that hit the region more than a year ago. About 80,000 lives were lost, 250,000 people were seriously injured, 10,000 children orphaned and 3.5 million people were left homeless.
PWS&D supported ACT programs which provided emergency supplies and more recently, is helping rebuild homes and restore livelihoods. However, less than 20 per cent of survivors have an earthquake-proof and permanent shelter and face a second winter ill-prepared. ACT is hoping to provide temporary shelters and food to about 2,000 households and shelter assistance to a further 5,000 this winter.
PWS&D's 2006-2007 educational resources are available to be ordered, free of charge, from the PCC Book Room. The resources include the 2005-2006 Annual Report, the Enough for All posters, placemats, bulletin covers, children's resource, envelopes, savings bank labels and worship resource, and the Something Extra booklet, available in 40- and eight-page versions. The resources can also be viewed online at or to fill out an order form visit – PWS&D