Read that book!

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I was very surprised to see the strange version of my letter in the December issue. I certainly didn't say: “I have just finished reading John Visser's excellent biography of W. W. Bryant.” I did say: “I have just finished reading John Visser's excellent book, The Neo-Orthodox Theology of W. W. Bryden.” It is the theology that is significant, not Dr. Bryden's life, inspiring as it was.
I also said that it was “the,” rather than “a,” most stimulating book on theology since my reading of Reinhold Niebuhr and Paul Tillich, but this is a small point of clarity.
I'm afraid the letter as you printed it wouldn't encourage anyone to read a book recommended by someone so inattentive as to call Dr. Bryden, W.W. Bryant, or to mistake this vital book on theology as a biography.