Continue to marvel

The Honourable Barbara A. Hagerman, Prince Edward Island's Lieutenant Governor with Moderator, Wilma Welsh.
The Honourable Barbara A. Hagerman, Prince Edward Island's Lieutenant Governor with Moderator, Wilma Welsh.

What great stories I am hearing as I visit the Church. In January while in Prince Edward Island I visited two congregations, Tyne Valley and Victoria West. Despite their small numbers they share an enthusiasm and an excitement for mission. As we travelled through the countryside it was disappointing to see how many church buildings are no longer in use. However, at the presbytery meeting, we learned of one congregation that has gone from a half-time ministry to a three-quarters time ministry and now with the assistance of Presbyterians Sharing, through Canada Ministries, they proceeded with a call for a full time minister. It is good to be able to celebrate such great stories. I am not facing all doom and gloom but a new excitement for ministry within our Church.
I also had the privilege of meeting with the Honourable Barbara A. Hagerman, the Lieutenant Governor of Prince Edward Island. Her Honour is a Presbyterian and until the time of her appointment last July, was the organist and choir leader at Summerside. Presbyterians across this great country are serving in many positions of responsibility.
While in P.E.I., I visited with friends of many years ago. We talked a lot about remember when” and refl ected on the importance of youth work, and in particular PYPS in our faith journey. These organizations infl uenced our lives and we believe they kept us in the church. We viewed old slides and movies and talked a great deal about our younger days. We had diffi culty putting names to faces. We noted the number who went on to full time service in the church. We are almost all now retired but share a joy in the opportunities that the church gave to us and the privilege we had to serve within the Presbyterian Church. Some of us have not done well at retirement but wish to continue to serve where there is a need.
By the time this message is published I will have had the opportunity to visit all three of our theological colleges. Knox College has welcomed 12 new students during this winter semester. I visited informally with the students at Knox after the worship service. We talked about mission; what is mission? Last November I was met with the students at Vancouver School of Theology at a service at St. Andrew's Hall.
I am attempting to attend as many meetings as possible. I can recall at my installation as Moderator hearing the words that I am an ex offi cio member of all boards and committees of the church. It is impossible to attend all but I have tried to attend the committees that have invited me.
I continue to marvel at the great stories I am hearing within our Church. Let us give thanks to God and continue to pray for the ministries of our denomination.
Wilma Welsh, Moderator,
132nd General Assembly