Indigenous Appointment

Photo - courtesy of the Anglican Journal
Photo - courtesy of the Anglican Journal

Mark L. MacDonald, former bishop of Alaska, has been named the Anglican Church's first national indigenous bishop with pastoral oversight over all native Anglicans across Canada, a move that was described by Archbishop Andrew Hutchison, as “an historic moment” for the life of the Anglican Church of Canada and the country.
“This has been the fruit of our elders' dreams … It's a new day, an exciting moment,” said MacDonald.
The appointment was formally announced by Hutchison in January. MacDonald assumes his three-year post this month. Based in Toronto, he said his first priority would be to learn as much as he can about issues affecting native Anglicans, noting that his job would involve much travel and consultations with native communities across Canada, in urban areas and reserves.
A non-status Indian, MacDonald has native ancestry from both his mother's and father's sides of the family and said he grew up among the Ojibway people.
– Anglican Journal