College Honours Joseph McLelland


The library at The Presbyterian College, Montreal, is being renamed in honour of Rev. Dr. Joseph C. McLelland, moderator of the General Assembly in 1985, in recognition and celebration of his 50-year association with the college.
“McLelland's work as a scholar, teacher, administrator, leader and mentor in theological education has shaped generations of students and ministers,” said Rev. Dr. John Vissers, the college's principal, in a press release. “We've been truly blessed to have him as part of our community of faith and learning for over five decades.”
McLelland joined the Presbyterian College faculty in 1957 as the Robert Professor of the Philosophy of Religion. He was appointed to the McConnell Chair of the Philosophy of Religion at McGill University's Faculty of Religious Studies. He holds honorary degrees from the Montreal Diocesan Theological College and Knox College.
A special dedication event marking the renaming of the library will take place this fall.