Church Signs Deal with Corrections Canada

The Presbyterian Church recently signed a revised agreement between the federal government and the Interfaith Committee on Chaplaincy for Corrections Services Canada, an advisory group on the provision of religious and spiritual care to inmates and the oversight of federal prison chaplains. Rev. Will Ingram, a minister at Morningside High Park, Toronto, signed on behalf of the committee, along with Correctional Services Commissioner Keith Coulter. The document describes the relationship between the two organizations and outlines how chaplaincy services are provided in correctional institutions.
The revisions include additions to the overall vision of the place of spirituality within the human experience and the role of chaplaincy within the mandate of the CSC; attention to the role that chaplains play with families of offenders; increased commitment to developing chaplaincy services in the community setting; and recognition of some of the specifi c issues to providing chaplaincy services to female offenders.
— With files from Terry Richardson, National Chaplaincy Headquarters