Wild about Harry

Having attended two of the four previous Fosdick Convocations at the Riverside Church and unable to attend the fifth, held last October, I was delighted to read Andrew Faiz's comprehensive “notes” in the March Record. As in the previous convocations, it was clear the presenters represented different traditions and theological leanings. One of the great strengths of Riverside is that it has always valued diversity and encouraged dialogue. I believe that those qualities give defi nition to the meaning of “progressive.” I would not equate the “progressive church” with the traditional names we assign to churches, ministers or denominations: liberal, conservative, evangelical, charismatic, fundamentalist, etc. Progressive church to me describes a faith journey that involves learning, growing, changing, praising, trusting and risking in the context of Jesus as Lord. Progressive church allows for diversity of points of view regarding biblical interpretation (e.g. virgin birth, samesex relationships). Progressive church encourages wisdom in thought and courage in action.
There was one glaring error in the article. The convocation is named after Harry (not “Charles”) Emerson Fosdick, the first senior minister of Riverside.