Another excited Christian

Re Wanted Excited Christians, March
I am an excited Christian and the older I get the more excited I get because Christianity is the most hopeful, wonderful good news around. And I'm a traditionalist! In fact, I belong to a church that sounds very much like the little church in a land not so far away in the beautifully written story by Carol Ann Keys.
Forty years ago, presbytery suggested the doors on my church be closed because of low membership. That didn't happen because a few faithful people tried something new, opening only in the summer with Knox College students in the pulpit. That was the bridge that brought us where we are today, open year round with our own minister, a balanced budget and owing no debts. We still don't have a huge congregation but we are “awake” and with God's continual help we carry on.
Recently in London, England I attended the most contemporary church service of my life at an ancient Church of England, which had been stripped of all its furnishings. Instead, there were stacking chairs and a platform up front with a fivepiece rock band. Coffee was picked up at a bar and sipped throughout the service (program). All very informal but loud (can't honestly say friendly). No hymn books, we sang choruses from screens hung from the ceiling. And how we sang, on and on, until my knees buckled.
The lively children were called to the front where I expected a story from the minister (sorry, leader), but no, the band struck up and all the kids broke out in a reggae dance which was fun — I think they were praising the Lord. There were Bible readings and inclusive prayers given by attendees and the leader, in casual dress, gave an interesting talk. I know he was the leader and I know it was a talk because the small slip of paper that replaced the bulletin said so.
Certainly I was the oldest person there, the congregation made up of mostly young families and you can't knock that. But as I reeled from the building I said to my companion, “Thank God, He still loves traditionalists too!”
And that's the point. He loves everyone — traditionalists, non-traditionalists, no matter what denomination — He holds us all in His Hand. But his palm must be hurting these days from all the fighting and squirming around.
Anyway, if I were a betting woman, I'd bet on that little church in the not so far away land and I'm praying for it too!

About Gwyneth J. Whilsmith
Bayfield, Ont.