Ask Why

Re By The Numbers — January, March, April, May
Perhaps it's time for the leadership of The Presbyterian Church in Canada to start asking the tough Why questions. For example, why are a number of Presbyterian churches experiencing stagnation?
Based on Rev. Peter Bush's observations of the data, here are some of my Why questions:
In smaller congregations:
-Why is leadership done by consensus?
-Why does worship style reflect the inside needs of its members?
-Why are “survival” issues always at the forefront?
Why are some congregations experiencing growth?
Why is there not more focus on building community (fellowship)?
Why do we define “normal” models of ministry in such terms as “selfsupporting”?
Why doesn't leadership development and training receive more attention by the governing elders?
Asking the tough Why questions should allow leaders to start formulating the driving values of the Church, and values are not to be confused with practices. Far too often, our attention focuses on practices, form, culture, methods, style and traditions; instead of values, essence, message, staples and principles.
Thanks for the kick start Peter.