No longer blushing

Editor replies: We work diligently to make certain the printed version — the hard copy magazine delivered to homes — is complete unto itself. However, there have been a few occasions (see the next letter) when we have used the online version as an extension of the magazine, to deliver information that would not otherwise fit its finite parameters.
People and Places is the only section that has more material online than in the printed version. That said, many younger church members rely wholly on the internet for information, and people aged 65 and over are the fastest growing group of computer users.
I was disappointed to see that you did not think it important to print Marion Ballards's biblical, theologically sound and intelligent rebuttal to Calvin Brown's article. I read Ms Ballard's response before she sent it and was hoping that it would give readers an opportunity to consider a more thoughtful approach to the issue and in the process learn more about their Christian faith. Instead, you have reduced her article to a short letter (April 2007) and have managed to garble beyond belief what the article actually says. Whoever edited the article changed the words, “He” (i.e. Jesus) “defends Himself over and over again…” to “Calvin Brown defends himself over and over again…” And again, whoever edited the article changed “He” (i.e. Jesus) “makes no reference to His birth…” to “Isaiah makes no reference to Christ's birth ….” What is going on in the editorial department? I think an apology is in order, or, better still, print the article.