Pen, Passion, Poetry

Photo - Dean Sanderson
Photo - Dean Sanderson

As a kid I remember we went on short vacations to countries neighbouring our native Holland. In France I would see quite a number of men with missing legs. How come? I would ask. Then my mom would explain to me the results of the First World War. These horrid wars have continued. The killings today are just as mean as then. We see the news or read it regularly. The Presbyterian Record keeps us up to date. And I hope it moves us all. But I also find there is a callousness amongst people; Darfur is miles away from us, why should we be so concerned?
 Recently I had the opportunity to visit the Presbyterian World Service and Development office in Toronto. When meeting some of its staff members I learned what it truly means to be committed to one's work and to carry it out with zeal. The agency, in conjunction with its overseas partners Action by Churches Together and Caritas, amongst others, works to improve the quality of people's lives in many impoverished countries in the developing world. They help build wells in drought-stricken Darfur, or provide counselling to abused women and young girls in Malawi, or ensure that schools have adequate teaching materials and hospitals have medical supplies for the treatment of HIV/AIDS.
 The population in much of the developing world is growing, disease is spreading, water levels are dropping, tribal warfare is escalating in a brutal and vicious way and natural calamities are threatening in many regions. Life is harder for many while the aid agencies experience an increasing number of obstacles to carry out their work. Yet, PWS&D remains committed to its goal, as demands on the agency are not slowing down. PWS&D needs our assistance as well as the assurance that we are here to support it.
 St. Andrew's, Guelph, Ont., is celebrating its 180th anniversary — its early beginnings coincide with the foundation of the City of Guelph. In those early days, primarily Scottish immigrants worshipped at St. Andrew's. Today its members come from far and wide and are being welcomed to a house of God where they will feel at home regardless of race, heritage or wealth.
 To celebrate our anniversary, we approached the Record and proposed a poetry contest to highlight the work of PWS&D. Members of St. Andrew's, Guelph, will adjudicate the submissions and the congregation will make a donation in the name of the winning entrant to PWS&D; the Record will publish selected submissions. All you have to do is write a poem (no epics, please; but open to all other styles). We particularly encourage youth and youngers to participate. We hope parents will work with their children to write something.
 The first thing you will need to do is learn more about PWS&D; fortunately its website is very helpful: The Record is available online as well:, so you can read news and mission updates as well. Of course, you can also go through your print copies, which you surely have archived at home.
 The deadline is October 31, 2007. Please send your poems to
 The poem should raise awareness for the work of PWS&D, express respect, love and compassion to those who suffer but stay away from showing pity. Respect is always a noble characteristic.
 Best of luck; try hard and you'll feel very satisfied. You'll also be of great help and encouragement to the staff at PWS&D. God bless.