133rd General Assembly : Varied Voices

Student representatives of the three colleges
Student representatives of the three colleges

“I marvel as I look out among you at such a disparate and varied group. you are young and old, come from all corners of the nation and world, but you are also one. your passion and perception is a credit to your congregations and presbyteries.”
Peter McDonald, Student Representative,
Presbyterian College

Annemarie Klassen
Annemarie Klassen

“I often thought I had the best portfolio of all: stewardship, where you get to talk about gratitude and generosity, the primary orientations of the Christian life; and mission, the very reason for the church's existence…”
Annemarie Klassen,
Retiring, Associate Secretary

“Our faith in action as Christians is demonstrated by the way we conduct ourselves outside of worship, by how we treat our neighbours near and far, by how we express our mission — not as one of a heroic exercise of the powerful acting in charity for the benefit of the poor, but rather following the humble model of Christ, of selfless sacrifice, devotion, service and working in community with others.”
Ken Kim, Director, PWS&D

Imam Hamid Slimi
Imam Hamid Slimi

“We are all the sons of adam and eve and we are all the creation of God. He is perfect. Therefore, his message is one to all mankind. The more we are involved in talking to one another, we find we are all human beings; we have the same interests, the same ambitions. That is why we're working hard in the Canadian context to build bridges and to be in touch with other faiths, to serve humanity and to serve God.”
Hamid Slimi, Canadian Council of Imams

“The church in India is faced with a lot of challenges. Often we come across threats and opposition from the majority community in the country. but the church is growing, and we are a church for the oppressed community. We live among them, and share resources to develop and improve lives.”
Rt. Rev. G. Devakadasham,
Bishop of the Kanya Kumari Diocese,
Church of South India