Church is …

What is the Church? by Andrew Faiz, March, prompted me to review my definition recorded in my notes almost 50 years ago:
The Church is people— people who believe in God as Creator in Jesus Christ, His Son, our Saviourin His presence in the world today through His Holy Spirit.The Church is people — people who believethat God's salvation isfor all the worldand all the people in the worldThe Church is people — people who believethat they share in thetask of proclaiming “THE GOOD NEWS”The Church is the Body of Christ — individual personsfitting together their particulargifts and abilitiesto be the ChurchThe Church gathers in manyways to benourished and inspiredand to plan togetherThe Church goes out— in mission to be the Church in the world.

About N. Fern Simpson
Ailsa Craig, Ont.