Who Needs Sleep? : Presbyterian Young People Are…

Rosemary Brett
Rosemary Brett

I have spent several months trying to write down something that captures the Presbyterian Young People’s Society in words. At last I have come to a decision: I can’t do it. It just isn’t possible. Not if I want to express it properly, anyway. I could tell you, “Youth between the ages of 15 and 25 meet three times a year.” I could say, “We worship in new ways.” I could add mission projects, or discussion groups, or guest speakers, but those things are just what we do. I want to tell you what PYPS is.

To that end, I have constructed a list. Or, at least, I will have constructed it as soon as I’ve finished writing this. I have a feeling it is going to be sort of unusual, a little random and possibly a bit confusing. That’s ok. At first glance, PYPS seems to be those things, too.

So here goes.

PYPS is…

Erin Woods and Courtney Love
Erin Woods and Courtney Love

God: But not Stand-in-the-choir-and-chant-Hallelujah God. Rather, Jump-up-and-down-and-scream-yourself-hoarse-because-he’s-awesome God.

People: Young people. New people. Strangers, friends, mentors, crazy people of the loveable type.

Singing: New songs, old songs, praise songs, songs invented on the spur of the moment.

Food: Well, we can’t forget that, can we? Good food, hot food, messy food eaten without utensils…

Laughing: Laughing in play, in discussions, in meetings, in worship – yes! – in worship, too.

Challenges: Don’t worry — I don’t mean challenges challenges. I mean, “Who can run this course and eat that food the fastest?” “Which team will invent the most creative superhero dressed up in these random items?” “Who will make the strongest newspaper armour?” “Who can collectively get the fewest hours of sleep throughout the entire weekend?” That last challenge, by the way, is not formal. PYPS does not condone, take responsibility for, etc., etc. But, you know, who needs sleep when you’re having fun?

Itoro Udoh-Orok
Itoro Udoh-Orok

Travel: Ok, here’s the thing. our particular synod is the Synod of Central, Northeastern Ontario and Bermuda. We’ve travelled all around Ontario, but now we want to go to Bermuda … But someone always thinks it’s a bad idea. Still, we’ve gotten to know every corner of our part of Ontario through PYPS.

Silliness: Oh, yes, there is silliness. Sometimes I think that’s what really holds us together. Giggling when the president makes jokes while reading the rules aloud. Grinning and groaning at old jokes from previous weekends that just keep coming back. Laughing uproariously at the skits and songs performed at PYPS talent shows. Just plain, healthy, silly fun.

Church: But fun church. Fast songs with words that mean something to our generation. Slow songs that come from our hearts. Drums and guitars to mix things up. theme addresses on topics chosen by youth. Prayer in new ways. Church that is God-centered and youth-directed. Fun church.

Learning: Again, fun learning. about the church, about our world, about ourselves.

And that is what PYPS is. To a point. Actually, I could say more. A lot more. But I won’t. You’ll get bored. So I’m going to stop talking now. Really, I am. I mean it. Good bye.