Code for conversion

WCC — Three major Christian bodies are supporting a code of conduct to guide activities seeking converts to Christianity. The World Evangelical Alliance recently joined the World Council of Churches and the Vatican in supporting the code at an August consultation in France. The code is expected to be finalized by 2010.
Leaders spoke of the need for an ecumenically-oriented and ethical approach that respects the right of the faithful of any religion to their beliefs, and expresses that no one religion has a monopoly on truth. It was also noted that the code should express “repentance for past wrongdoings so as to make clear that the superiority mentality in regard to other religions has been overcome.”
Promoters expect the code to be an advocacy tool in discussions with governments considering anti-conversion laws, to help to advance the cause of religious freedom, address other religions' concerns about Christian proselytism, and also help to ease intra-Christian tensions.