Minister guilty of same-sex marriages

In a reversal of a Lower Church court ruling, Rev. Jane Adams Spahr has been found guilty of violating The Presbyterian Church (USA)'s constitutional ban on same-sex marriage by performing weddings for two lesbian couples.
According to the Presbyterian News Service, the Synod of the Pacific's Permanent Judicial Commission (PJC) ruled 6-2 that while the longtime Presbyterian minister “acted with conscience and conviction,” her actions were at odds with the church's constitution.
The August decision of the synod tribunal overturned last year's ruling by the Presbytery of the Redwoods' PJC, which determined Spahr acted within her rights marrying two lesbian couples in 2004 and 2005.
The PC(USA)'s Book of Order defines marriage as between a man and a woman, and church courts have ruled that Presbyterian ministers may not utilize the marriage liturgy in same-sex ceremonies. The decision does not affect Spahr's ordination, but could lead to further discipline if she continues to perform wedding ceremonies for same-sex couples. Spahr said she will appeal to General Assembly. – Presbyterian News Service