Vermigli Remembered

Thirty international scholars met at Presbyterian College, Montreal, in August to discuss the life and work of Italian Reformer Peter Martyr Vermigli. The conference was scheduled to recognize the 50th anniversary of Prof. Joseph McLelland's pioneer study, The Visible Words of God: The Sacramental Theology of Peter Martyr Vermigli , and the 30th anniversary of the conference which established the Peter Martyr Library in 1977. This series of English translations has published nine of 12 volumes, with a second series of 12 planned.
The opening day speaker was Dr. Mariano di Gangi whose 1949 Presbyterian College thesis was the first modern research on Vermigli. McLelland gave the closing address. William Klempa (A Classical Christology) and Dan Shute (Theodicy) were two other Canadian Presbyterians to deliver papers at the conference, which was partially funded by the Priscilla and Stanford Reid Trust.