Comments on PYPS

I appreciate all that the PYPS contributors have to say. Having read each one at least twice, to make sure they were understood, I have comments.
Erin Woods: I like her definitions and have no difficulty except for one. Church: “Theme topics chosen by youth,” and church that is “youth directed.”  Relate that to Job 12:12, “Is not wisdom found among the aged?” Would the wisdom of youth permit them to search out the wisdom of the aged, gaining an advantage for both in knowledge, and perhaps a closer fellowship?
Patricia and Ryan Browne: I can feel the ache in their hearts, and my heart aches for them. 1 Peter 5:2 says “Be shepherds of God's flock that is under your care, serving as overseers — not because you must but because you are willing, as God wants you to be …” Are we, all together, creating the problem? If so, we need to change! And right now!
Connie Purvis: Real Life! Connie, you are there and have been for some time, when you relate to the King “who has governed them since birth.” My mind is filled with a hymn “Trust and obey, for there's no other way.”
Alex Luyckx: You are so right when you wonder if all our assailants stem from a scheme of the devil. Of course they do, and young people are a prime target, especially those in a church. We all struggle with this all the time. How would you change the approach to the gospel? Can we all work on this together?
Brenden Sherratt: It sure hurts to have the obvious thrown at us. Thank God there are young people who will stand up and be counted. And there are lots of older gentlemen who will stand up with you if you will give them the chance. Forgive them if their knees are weak and they ask for your helping hand.
Michael Watt: Dancing is fun. I watched a group of teenagers perform an interpretive dance at an Easter service. It was worship. I think what you expressed was the joy of fellowship.
Jennifer Higgs and Erin Woods: Let's hope “Presbyterian” is synonymous with “Christian.” It is not a perfect church, and the devil is hard at work in it, with dissenters, rumour-mongers and troublemakers. But I think they are there for a purpose, to at least make us work a little harder at our church life. We are comforted by the presence of the Holy Spirit and we are fed.
Nothing in any of these comments is intended to be critical. I want to join young people and have them join with me in worship. We may like different styles and I will encourage theirs, if they will encourage mine. (That is not a bargain, I will encourage them anyway.)