Historic church lost in fire

A deliberately-set fire at Knox, Cannington, has devastated the congregation and the community. Photo - Rick Fee.
A deliberately-set fire at Knox, Cannington, has devastated the congregation and the community. Photo - Rick Fee.

A fire reportedly set by a local young offender who was out on bail has destroyed Knox, Cannington, Ont. The 128-year-old building in the Presbytery of Lindsay-Peterborough was set ablaze on the morning of Oct. 7. The remains of the building were demolished before the unstable walls could fall down on their own. No one was injured.
Judy Hein, whose official title at Cannington is Program Leadership Developer but has been more of a lay minister for the last two years when she's been the only person on staff, said the congregation is “definitely looking to build again,” but admits there is a long way to go before that happens. Thanksgiving service was held in the session clerk's living room, and the congregation is now meeting in a local seniors' home.
Hein said the community has been extremely supportive, and Woodville Community Presbyterian Church opened its doors so Cannington could go ahead with an already-planned fundraiser.
An old Bible, one of the few items salvaged from the fire, was found completely intact — neither burned from the flames nor wet from the fireman's hose. “It shows that through this, the Word of God has survived,” said Hein. “It gives people hope.”
Presbytery clerk Rev. Reg McMillan said he has received many emails and phone calls expressing support for the Knox congregation. He added that the congregation is asking for prayers for the young person who set the fire, and for the 17-year-old's family.
As reported in the Lindsay Post, police said the offender faces 15 charges in connection with the fire and has appeared in court for a bail hearing. Trinity United, located a few blocks away, was also burned (though the damage was much less), as were five vehicles parked in various locations.
Located in a small town of 2,000, Knox, Cannington, is part of an open-door cluster along with St. John's, Cresswell, and Wick Presbyterian Church. Police and fire officials are still investigating. — AM