Church World Services

Photo - Andrew Faiz
Photo - Andrew Faiz

Church World Services is a Geneva-based non-governmental agency with offices in many countries, including Pakistan and Afghanistan. Last year, the Record's Andrew Faiz and PWS&D's Guy Smagghe were hosted in both countries by CWS. The agency, working with Action By Churches Together (ACT) and through its support network (which includes the PCC) provides a variety of services throughout Pakistan. These include a refugee camp for those displaced by the October 2005 earthquake (seen here).
In December Marvin Parvez, director of CWS Pakistan/Afghanistan sent the following letter. Our prayers are with them. Dear Friends: As I write these lines to you from Islamabad, the government moves the body of Ms. Bhutto from the hospital to her ancestral village in Sindh Province (down south and five hours drive from Karachi) in the middle of the night and against the wishes of Ms. Bhutto's husband (a very typical move by government to control the violent reaction across the country by PPP workers, supporters and other groups against the current setup).
Many of you have supported us in the last decade during some very difficult times we have faced in this country/region, but this is the biggest tragedy and one that we might not recover from as a country and nation. We are truly grateful for your prayers and support during these very diffi cult times … now is the time we need your prayers and support the most.
In the last few hours hundreds of police stations, government buildings, vehicles and trains have been attacked and burned down and it will take time to get the actual number of dead.
Most of the oppositions parties have called for a national government and cancellation of elections and the UN Security Council will meet in the next few hours to discuss what next for this nuclear armed country threatened by Islamic militants.
All our team members are safe and we have closed offices and suspended operations for the time being.
We will keep you updated and once again from the team here thanks for your concern and support.
Marvin Parvez, CWS