Not saved by the Presbyterian Church

As a former leader of Trinity – and now a leader at Connexus, I was saddened by the comments of David Harris concerning our decision to move forward spreading the Gospel.

Harris's comment that we have “abandoned the Presbyterian Church's theology and supplanted it with our own interpretation of Scripture” illustrates why I felt it a wise decision to leave.

What if I have, after much prayer, discussion and biblical review, come to conclusions that differ from the theology of the Presbyterian Church. After all, I am not saved by the Presbyterian Church.

Let's get one thing straight: “The One Thing,” says Tony Campolo. “The one certainty against which all our theologies are guesswork. ‘This one thing I know,' the apostle Paul wrote: ‘Jesus, and how his crucifixion delivers us from sin, and how his resurrection assures us of eternal life.'”

Campolo continues, “I believe these are unquestionable absolutes for all Christians — and perhaps the only absolutes. In the end, God's truth is not a theology, but a person. Our faith is not about Jesus Christ, not based on Jesus Christ — it is Jesus Christ.”
Harris, in his judgmental, self-righteous, phariseeical review of Carey Nieuwhof and the process through which two new churches have emerged to spread the gospel, confirmed my decision to follow God's lead (not Carey Nieuwhof's lead) and help Connexus lead people to a knowledge of Jesus.
As far as Harris' comment that Mr. Nieuwhof's actions amount to “a grave sin,” how pretentious.
I was unaware that Christians of all denominations sin when our theologies and interpretations of scripture don't match perfectly with the Presbyterian Church's theology.
Davey, an apology is in order.