Knox, Kincardine, ON

For 11 years, Bruce and Pat McKechnie (he’s far left, she’s far right in the photograph) have been sponsoring a breakfast at Knox, Kincardine, Ont. The November event raised $5,000 which the couple delivered personally in January, to the Mulanje Mission Hospital in Malawi. The 182-bed hospital is run under the auspices of the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian.



The WMS at Knox, Kincardine, Ont., studied HIV/AIDS last year and then raised $800 in support of grandmothers in Africa who take on the responsibilities of parenting their orphaned grandchildren. The picture shows Miriam and David Barrie accepting the donation from Joan Threndyle (WMS Treasurer) and Barbara Burgess (Project Coordinator). Miriam and David took this donation, along with other funds raised by the congregation from Barrie’s Breakfast (organized for several years by Bruce and Pat McKechnie), to Malawi where they made contact with an organization that will ensure the funds go to support grandmothers.