Some uplifting articles, some not

Re Full Time Cheerleader, January
Yes, the lord will always be with Patricia Schneider as she mourns and grieves the passing of her beloved husband. How wonderful it is to know the Lord Jesus Christ as our personal friend and Saviour of our lives. How I wish some of the other published articles in the Record were as uplifting and true as this one, not slanderous and full of untruths …
The article by Rev. Laurence De Wolfe (Progressive Lectionary, January) astounds me. Jesus and the Father are one and always have been one. God sent His only begotten Son to this earth when He saw how sinful we all were. He was sent as a baby, to become a man and to die for each of us, that by the shedding of His blood, we would have forgiveness of sins and an eternal home in heaven with Him. I am shocked that a Presbyterian minister would write such an article.

About Genevieve Whyte,
Oro Station, Ont.