With people like Faiz …

Re Jesus Good, January
Andrew Faiz quoted Bruxy Cavey and linked him with a bunch of different authors who are anti-Christian, and I think that was completely unfair. I don't know if he read Bruxy's whole book or if he ever heard him preach (he only references the preface of the book), but I personally believe that Cavey has a profoundly prophetic voice that the Church needs to hear. Bruxy Cavey is not anti-Christian; he simply wants those who call themselves Christians to actually follow Jesus. He believes in the importance of Christian community and his preaching is always based on the Scriptures. He is passionate about helping irreligious people encounter the living Christ, rather than rejecting Him because of bad experiences they've had with the Church. So please do not ignore (condemn) his message because it confronts the Church of its hypocrisy. I believe that doing so would be equivalent to rejecting a modern day prophet of the living God.

About Rev. Curtis Peters,
Swift Current, Sask.