WMS Cuts Back

The Women's Missionary Society has decided to cut back its grant to regional staff beginning in 2009. The yearly grant will be $200,000, representing a 50 per cent cut in funds. The change is mainly due to decreased givings resulting from dwindling membership.
“Our financial situation has changed, and the nature of WMS-related work with regional staff has changed,” said Rev. Sarah Kim, the WMS' executive director. “And we have decided that we have to decrease the amount we contribute.”
The WMS first decided to cover half of the regional staffing costs (see article on page 23) back in 1992, when area education consultants (who were employees of the WMS) combined with other synod staff to form the current regional staffing model.
Givings from WMS presbyterials in recent years have falled steadily to just below an annual average of $700,000. A grant of $400,000 for regional staff is decreasingly viable given the WMS's other commitments.
“We had a bigger budget then,” said Kim. “In some areas, members are increasing, but mostly, there is a decrease. And each year, bit by bit, there is a decrease in givings.
“During the six years I've been here, there's been about a $150,000 decrease.”
The decision will go to the General Assembly this June, which marks the end of a five-year commitment the WMS made to fund regional staff at the 1992 rate. The WMS and the Life and Mission Agency (which also funds regional staff) hired a consultant to review the regional staffing model, and both groups are waiting for the consultant's report before sharing other recommendations they will bring to the assembly. The WMS has about 300 groups and approximately 5,400 members across the country. AM