Differing voices

One thing I value about the Record is that it allows everyone to have a voice on any issue. Rev. Livingston's letter in the February issue reminds me that it's been a while since the word 'homosexual' has appeared in our magazine. It seems that Livingston would be happy to consider the status of homosexuals in our church settled. I hope and pray that it is not settled, and that articles like the book review by Will Ingram in the October 2007 issue continue to result in discussion and examination of this issue. Livingston complains that the author of Jesus, the Bible and Homosexuality exhibits a “liberal theological agenda” and a “leftward pilgrimage.” I rejoice in every article that evidences this pilgrimage on any subject – witness the refreshing Progressive Lectionary in January.
Living Faith enjoins us to fight discrimination based on race, sex, age etc. Perhaps one day the words 'sexual orientation' will be included, and I will no longer have to defend my membership in a church whose stand on this issue I find disturbing and unjust.

About Leslie Shaw,
Thunder Bay, Ont.