Eye Contact and Pleasantries

Re Living on the Edge, February
Let me share one in a recent series of mission moments at Fallingbrook Presbyterian. The mission committee used four “mission moments” to present the issue of homelessness to our congregation. In the final one of these talks Jan, who is relatively new to our congregation, inspired us with her witness to people “Living on the Edge.” What does it mean to do justice and walk humbly with our God? I think that on her walks along Queen Street in the Beaches area of Toronto, Jan brings that verse to life. On these walks, she encounters the homeless and poor of our city. Eye contact and a brief exchange of pleasantries are important for building relationships with each of the people she meets. Sometimes Jan gives them change or a hug or stops for a longer conversation as she goes on her way. Because Jan knows of the work of Evangel Hall, Jan and Louise (another member of the committee) had cards made up to give out to those who they feel might benefit from a little more support than they can offer. These cards, which resemble business cards, list the services provided by the Hall on one side and give a set of directions and a map on the other side. In a large city like Toronto it is easy to ignore those who are “Living on the Edge.” Jan has chosen not to.

About Liz Stark,
Scarborough, Ont.