Knocking works

ENI – At 2.25 per cent, Jehovah's Witnesses in the United States experienced the largest percentage increase in membership among the top 25 denominations, according to the US National Council of Churches' 2008 Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches. Jehovah's Witnesses are the 25th largest church in the States with 1,069,530 members.
The Episcopal (Anglican) Church USA had the largest percentage decline of 4.15 per cent. Dogged by controversy the last few years, Episcopalians now number 2,154,572 members.
The Presbyterian Church (USA) with 3,025,740 members recorded a decrease of 2.36 per cent. American Baptist Churches in the USA and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America also showed losses of under two per cent. The Southern Baptist Convention showed a small increase of less than a quarter of a percentage point. Mormons grew by 1.56 per cent; and Catholics by .83 per cent.