Spiritual Gifts

Re On His Own Needs, January
I have been praying the Prayer of Jabez for seven-plus years. As a single working woman living a modest life, I'm far from rich – I don't have a car or home of my own. Why doesn't God grant my request? Well actually, He has, He does and always will.
Here's what I pray: O Lord God that you would bless me indeed (however you choose to do it) and enlarge my territory (help me to be more and do more for you); that your hand would be with me (thank you that you help me to do whatever you call me to do), and that you would keep me from evil (so that I may not cause any harm or pain, to you, to others, or to myself).
Here's how God has answered: I tithe and give generously, I support a child through World Vision, I volunteer at a centre for the poor and disenfranchised in downtown Toronto, I am involved in many church programs, I am an intercessor for family, friends, fellow believers and unsaved souls. I gave my life to Christ in February 2000, and I have come a long way – I look forward to the rest of the journey.
Anyone who prays the Jabez' prayer expecting to get rich may be disappointed; or he/she may get those riches and find life unsatisfying and wonder why. Blessings are not only material goods; they are spiritual gifts, ministry opportunities, kindnesses. I have been praying Jabez' prayer for my church as well, and exciting things are happening – slowly but surely – and I believe this is in part to my Jabez prayer as well as intercessory prayers. This prayer is like any other – we say it and ask God to hear and answer, but we leave the specifics to Him by faith.