Observer Backs Darwin


The United Church Observer, the independent magazine of the United Church of Canada, is sponsoring a traveling exhibition focusing on the life and work of Charles Darwin currently on display at Toronto's Royal Ontario Museum.
“Darwin: The Evolution Revolution” failed to secure corporate sponsors in Toronto or any of the North American cities where it has been mounted, prompting Observer editor/publisher David Wilson to put some resources behind it.
“Our support is modest but symbolic,” said Wilson in a press release. “If a small church-based operation such as The Observer doesn't fear a backlash from those who oppose Darwin's theory of evolution, then secular corporate entities with much greater resources shouldn't fear it either.”
The Observer has been independently incorporated since 1986. As such, the sponsorship does not speak for The United Church.
“There is nothing in the exhibit that threatens or diminishes religion or people of faith in any way,” said Wilson. “If anything, it shines a light on the inherent beauty and wonder of a creation that is constantly and eternally evolving.”
Still, Darwin's theory that humans evolved from simple life forms stirs up controversy among Christians who take the Biblical account of creation literally, particularly in parts of the United States where the teaching of faith-based alternatives to evolution in public schools (such as intelligent design) has generated headlines worldwide.
The exhibit runs until August 4 before moving to London in time for celebrations marking Darwin's 200th birthday in February 2009.
– With files from the United Church Observer and ENI