Park Moderator-elect

Photo - Andrew Faiz
Photo - Andrew Faiz

Rev. Cheol Soon Park of Toronto Korean has been named moderator-elect for the 2008 General Assembly this June in Ottawa. After he is formally voted in just after the assembly's opening worship service, Park will become the assembly's first Korean moderator. Park moved to Canada in 1983, received his Master of Divinity degree from Knox College in 1987, and is currently enrolled in a Doctor of Ministry program. He is also clerk of the Presbytery of Eastern Han-Ca, and has served on the Committee on Church Doctrine, the Evangelism Committee, the Centre for Asian-Canadian Theology and Ministry at Knox College, and the Board of Governors of Knox College.
In an email to the Record Park wrote: “First of all, I'd like to extend the most sincere gratitude to everyone in the Presbyterian Church in Canada for giving me the opportunity to serve the Church.
“As I heard the news from the Principal Clerk of the Church, I was excited as well as worried. You know the feeling. I was excited for the possibilities, yet at the same time I was worried about the preparation and the amount of work involved. But most of all, I was truly thankful. Thankful for the love and acceptance of the Church.
“I am looking forward to meeting the commissioners at the General Assembly, listening to them and praying with them for the Church.
“I believe there are some tough issues ahead of us. As we work together, we will find a resolution – practical, flexible, yet concrete enough to make us all proud and thankful.
“I ask members of the Church for their prayer and advice.”