Truth is revelant

Re Meet Jesus, March
Upon reflecting after reading Rev. Andrew Allison's story of the growth of his church, hidden thoughts surfaced.
Carl Rogers, famed humanistic psychologist, found success by following his personal motto, namely “follow the truth no matter where it may lead.” Further, after conducting thousands of therapeutic sessions and seminars, he concluded, “the most meaningful relationship between two people is best when based on absolute honesty.” A lofty ideal but true.
Allison provides substantial evidence of this in his calling at St. Paul's, Leaskdale, Ont. He describes the positive evolution of prayer in his personal life and the lives of his congregation and beyond.
It is one thing to bare your soul to God in private yet another to bare it in public prayer. But as Allison so aptly describes, when truth prevails, positive things happen. Church growth well beyond expectations, material growth, but most important spiritual growth.
Truth is revalent but not always prevalent.
Based on truth, there is no greater reward than to surrender your soul to God through Jesus and experience the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.