Anonymous on thin ice

Re April Issue:

I would like to remind the anonymous April letter writer that he is walking on thin ice. People today have no more fear of Jesus Christ, than snow in July. God is the Creator of the universe, and if the Bible states that He was born of a Virgin than a person had better believe it. I cannot explain it, but it has been written in my heart, and mind. I would like to know, does this person, think about the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It really did happen and all a person has to do is believe, because if a person wants to get their name into the Lamb's Book of Life then we must be born again. We have too many ministers with education but have not received Jesus Christ into their hearts, and the same with the session and the board. We need more salvation messages and alter calls and less criticism from the session.

About Milfred Harper
Kemptville, Ont.