Conference grants available

A new Conference Fund administered by the Life and Mission agency is available for anyone in the Presbyterian Church planning a small or large conference. Conference planners may apply for up to one-third of the cost of the conference to a maximum of $8,000. Those submitting an application must provide a proposed budget for the event, along with goals and expected benefits to the church, in order to be considered. Since the fund's inception about a month ago, it has already assisted the Body, Mind and Soul Conference held in May in Montreal, the Canadian Association for Parish Nursing Conference also in May in Ingersoll, Ont., and a Presbyterian Church of Taiwan/Presbyterian Church in Canada Theological Consultation to be held in Vancouver this month.
For more information, contact the Vine Helpline at 1-866-642-2830 or, or visit the PCC website at and type “Conference Fund” in the search bar. -AM