Knox Youth Think Big


Rev. Bob Graham at Knox Presbyterian church in Alliston, Ont. learned of a Canadian invention which could purify dirty water and make it drinkable. The invention had been donated to Samaritans' Purse by the inventor in hopes that it could help the suffering people in some third world countries. The device was very simple and could be built on location where it was needed with training by volunteers. Dirty water poured in the top is filtered through sand and gravel which traps dirt and parasites which then feed upon one another. Clean water is forced up a tube and comes out drinkable.
When Rev. Bob passed this idea on to the church youth leader, Nancy Gallant she became enthusiastic and passed it on to her group, The Rock. They liked it too. They had no money but thought maybe they could find sponsors or raise a few dollars to provide help to poor countries with this device. Nancy asked, “Why not think big? Let's shoot for $1,200.00.” Being energetic kids, they agreed. Some adults thought it would not amount to very much but the young folk, with the faith often found in the young prayed to The Good Lord for help.
Almost immediately, the project took off. Quickly, they passed their goal. When the church congregation heard about it, many jumped on the band wagon and challenged one another and at least one made a donation in memory of a loved one. In the short time between January and Palm Sunday they had raised a total of $6,486.25 ! Everyone's faith in God reached new heights! Jesus said that whatever you do for the least of the needy ones we do for Him. God bless our young folk.
Let's keep the ball rolling! You can contribute too by contacting Mrs. Nancy Gallant or the Knox Presbyterian church office at (705) 435-5081.