134th General Assembly : Strong Feelings – Great!

In Matthew 5, Jesus says "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled … Blessed are those who mourn, for the will be comforted." When we seek justice, we have Christ's promise that we will find it in Him, that the brokenness in our relationships with God, our planet and each other will be healed and we will be reconciled through the grace of Jesus Christ.

– Curtis Babitz, Student Representative, St. Andrew's Hall/Vancouver School of Theology

During the week indeed we could witness some tensions, some polarizations and also some fears coming out of each group. Fears that some overtures or recommendations would jeopardize the identity and perhaps orthodoxy of our denomination. During those moments this resurrection narrative came to my mind: Jesus came and stood among them and said to them, "Peace be with you. " John 9

– Richard Bonetto, Student Representative, Presbyterian College, Montreal

We heard from many this week – many strong feelings, representing strong opinions within our various churches. I say "great!" It's as it should be. No real community agrees all the time – no family is always completely uniform in their understanding. In fact, its diversity that makes us stronger.

– Jeremy Bellsmith, Student Representative, Knox College, Toronto