Core affirmed

It was heartening to read John Vaudry's letter in May protesting Laurence DeWolfe's statement that Jesus became the Son of God at His baptism (January). Vaudry declares the issue raised by DeWolfe's view to be for more serious than the current concern about homosexuality in the church.
It is indeed. Not only does it strike at "the core of our faith" but also is a challenge to the integrity of Presbyterian ministers "who sign a statement that they are in substantial agreement with the Westminster Confession of Faith." Surely preaching or writing what is in clear contradiction of the ordination vows is intellectual dishonesty – even heretical.
The question now is: Will anything be done about this "serious issue" by the appropriate body in the Presbyterian Church or will inaction be permitted to foster a subtle erosion of faith in the church over time? Hopefully, not the latter.

About Rev. Jim Philpott,
Perth, Ont.