South Kinloss, Lucknow, ON

We know PWS&D affects many lives around the world, but the lives changed in Canada is one story we rarely discuss: the Grade 7 and 8 Sunday School class from South Kinloss, Lucknow, Ont., did a study on Guatemala over the past year and learned about the Mayan people and how to make tortillas, sugar cookies and fruit smoothies. The class shared what they learned in church on Sunday June 15 and then served the food that they prepared to the congregation. Over $140 was raised to send to help the Mayan people of Guatemala. The class includes Jessie and Mitch Kuik, Michelle Cunningham, and Brad MacIntyre. Special thanks to Emily Hogan and Jake VanLeerzem who helped us. Pictured: Michelle Cunningham, and Brad MacIntyre, serving Nancy and Melissa MacIntyre.

Jessie Kuik, Emily Hogan, Michelle Cunningham preparing the papaya.