Calling for peace

ENI – The Roman Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace in Zimbabwe has called for a transitional authority to allow for a process of national healing, political reconciliation and economic rehabilitation. The ultimate goal is to have "a happy, united, just and prosperous Zimbabwe regardless of ethnicity, race, gender, religion and any other considerations."
South African President Thabo Mbeki spent three days at meetings in Harare in August with Robert Mugabe, who has been the country's leader since 1980, the Movement for Democratic Change leader Morgan Tsvangirai, whose party was officially declared the winner of March's parliamentary elections and Arthur Mutambara, who heads a small breakaway faction of the MDC. The meetings were supposed to seal a deal to form a power-sharing government.
Mugabe claims to have won another five-year term in a presidential election in June, in which he was the sole candidate and is unwilling to cede his power. The election was internationally declared to be flawed.