Easier Said Than Done

Editor Responds:
Which is the most beautiful church in the Presbyterian Church in Canada? Hmmm … How do you define beautiful? Ahh, that's the trick of the contest!
Architecturally beautiful? Sure, that's a great definition, but it might favour some of the older churches with their grand beams and stones.
Beautiful setting? That's also good, but it might favour some more rural churches set atop cliffs overlooking floating icebergs or majestic mountains.
Theologically beautiful? Yes! We leave you to define it yourself, and that could include architecture, location, mission, worship, etc.
Is yours the most beautiful church in the Presbyterian Church in Canada?
Moderator Cheol Soon Park's comments are on the mark. However, making change into acceptable practice in the PCC is easier said than done.
Perhaps a start for the national church is to discontinue the use of numerical General Assemblies. Presumably the 134th was the one just finished, I can figure that out today. But what if someone refers to that 134th GA, 10, 20 or 100 yrs from now, who will know which GA it was? Or when was the 98th GA?
Much simpler for all time if this year's GA were to be referred to as the GA of 2008 (or GA '08). All the prior assembies could be renamed using only the convening year.

About Martin H. Jurrius,
West Vancouver, B.C.