Listen, then Speak Up

Re Encourage Voice Then Listen, May
After reading Andrew Faiz's May article I felt encouraged because in a rare moment of clarity (for me that is) I understood it! Yet at the same time I wondered what our compulsion toward having our voice heard is really all about. I can remember being a teen and having many of the feelings I heard expressed in the article about not having a place or a voice. As it turned out, the discontent was not about my own voice but a lack of another far more important voice in my life and, at times, in the church. I sometimes wonder if in our attempt to be heard or in our attempt to listen to so many voices (like wind, earthquakes and fire) we haven't crowded our ears with noise that prevents us from hearing that still small voice. I agree, we must be welcoming with open ears, but first and foremost we must welcome the One Voice – then listen!

About Luke Vanderkamp,
Huntingdon, Que.