Peace and Compassion

Although I understand that a segment of the Record's readers will be unable to join me in this sentiment, I heartily congratulate the 218th General Assembly of the PC(USA) for their courage to love and be inclusive to homosexual members of their church. In June, their assembly voted to lift any restriction to ordination and ministry on the basis of sexual orientation. One is left to wonder when the PCC will follow suit?
To those in our denomination who ignore an ever-increasing body of medical knowledge and cling to outdated and inaccurate interpretations of five scant, time- and culture-bound passages of scripture to promote their heterosexist worldview, I wish them peace and compassion. History shows that a progressive theology based on love and inclusiveness will always win out over time. Such has been the case in the battle for inclusiveness for people of colour in the United States and for women in churches everywhere; it will be the inevitable result for gay and lesbian Presbyterians as well.
In order to do justice now, the PCC must move to overhaul Chapter 6 of it's woefully outdated 1992 Statement on Human Sexuality and take the steps necessary to welcome all of its members in the spirit of love and truth.

About Derrick Cunningham,
Cobourg, Ont.