Youth 2008 : Sharing their Gifts


THERE HAVE BEEN ceilidh's and sub lunches, pampered chef fundraisers and congregational games nights at three churches in the Presbytery of London this year – all events to raise money for an exciting mission trip adventure for youth within our presbytery. At the end of July, 20 young people and eight adult leaders from four churches will be travelling to beautiful North Sydney, N.S., to lead a Vacation Bible School program. In the afternoons, we hope to serve the North Sydney community in other ways, by engaging in meaningful community mission projects. In the evenings, we plan on "singing for our supper" at local Presbyterian churches – a wonderful way to build bridges with our east coast brothers and sisters in Christ.
The dream of a presbytery youth mission trip found its beginnings in Canada Youth 2006. The youth of our presbytery came home energized from the amazing experience of being in Christian community. The leaders who had attended CY06 realized that our young people's faith and commitment to Christ grew by connecting with the wider church. All who attended built relationships with youth and adults from other churches within the presbytery. We knew we needed to do more youth ministry together. We knew that our youth ministry would be stronger and more meaningful if we shared our talents and resources.
The presbytery's Youth Ministry Team began to dream about a Presbytery Youth Mission Trip. Some of our youth had expressed interest in a Katrina mission trip. Upon investigation however, we realized that new regulations meant that young people under 18 years of age would not be permitted to participate. In addition, the youth interested in the trip were talented and competent individuals, but not skilled labourers. In an effort to challenge our youth to use the gifts that God has given them right now, we began to explore the possibility of a Vacation Bible School mission trip. With the help of Reuben St. Louis, the Youth in Mission co-ordinator and Audrey Cameron, Executive Director at Camp Geddie, we were partnered with North Sydney Presbyterian. In the past, Camp Geddie staff had led a VBS program at North Sydney, but this program was no longer being offered. Many of the young people from London interested in the mission trip have never been outside of Ontario. The opportunity for them to share their gifts in a different part of the country seemed like a perfect marriage. It is the hope and prayer of the Youth Ministry Team that this VBS mission trip will broaden the participants' understanding of the wider church, will be a vehicle for building strong Christian friendships within our presbytery and will enable mentoring in the faith.
Upon our return from Cape Breton, we hope to share our experiences with congregations within the presbytery by leading worship and offering evening programs. We hope to build on the excitement of this trip and explore ways that we can work together in youth and children's ministry and mission more close to home.
Right now, however, we are planning crafts, learning songs, making travel arrangements and counting our pennies. We are working together. We are praying together. We are engaged in ministry together, youth and adults, rural and urban, Ontarians and Nova Scotians. We are trying to be the church at its best for the glory of God.

This article was written before the mission trip.