Applauding Change

I just wanted to congratulate you and your staff on the July/August issue. It was uplifting. Finally, I am hearing the word "change" spoken out loud. The moderator seems intent on taking this on as a challenge. It pulled at the heartstrings of this disillusioned former Presbyterian elder who now takes up pew space at the local Baptist Church.
I don't have a point of contact with Presbyterian clergy anymore (my former church remains vacant and no doubt always will) so I was hoping you would pass on to Rev. Cheol Soon Park my admiration of his task. Not only that, but I would like to say: "Here I am!" I would be glad to offer my service to the PCC anywhere I can promote biblically inspired "change" in the church of Jesus Christ. I feel like a Presbyterian outsider now, but God knows that I love His church, and that I have a passion to see all people invited to meet Jesus; even in the Presbyterian Church in Canada.
I think this gentleman may need all the supporters he can get. I know first-hand how difficult change is for small town Presbyterians in my locale. I suspect there are more locations across the country who will also be less than impressed.