Poverty focus

Photo - Andrew Faiz
Photo - Andrew Faiz

Congregations and individuals can help to reach the United Nations Millennium Development Goals by participating in the Week to End Poverty (Oct. 12-19) through prayer, education and communication with members of parliament. Events can be registered at standupagainstpoverty.org.
It is a form of symbolic action, Stephen Allen, associate secretary of Justice Ministries and a member of KAIROS' board of directors, told the Record. "If you never reflect on something as a part of your reality, it doesn't exist." The campaign incorporates World Food Day on October 16, the United Nations International Day for the Eradication of Poverty on October 17 and Trade Week of Action.
Among the United Nations Millennium Development Goals is a commitment to "reduce the proportion of people affected by extreme poverty and hunger" by half by 2015. Canada is a signatory.
With the general election on the horizon, voters have an opportunity to engage with these issues, said Allen. "People should feel comfortable raising issues of poverty with the parties, either when they come knocking on the door or at all candidates' meetings." Ask candidates what their party's position is on poverty reduction, he suggested, and ask if they have a set timeline to achieve their goals. Although he recognized that "it won't happen overnight," Allen said commitment to something over five years – even if that commitment is only 80 per cent fulfilled – is still a step in the right direction.
KAIROS' resources are available on kairoscanada.org; they focus on the root causes of poverty and encourage long-term eradication rather than short-term solutions. Additional resources can be attained from Justice Ministries at national offices.
According to standupagainstpoverty.org, last year's event set a new record with 43.7 million participants worldwide.