The P in PCC, cont'd

I am deeply saddened by Robert Ewing's misguided and hurtful remarks, in the September Record. I am one of those who has been fortunate enough to have taken my MDiv at Tyndale Seminary, and then to have attended Presbyterian College, under the very generous and grace filled leadership of all of the staff there.
Both experiences were very valuable to me in developing the breadth of my ecumenical heart and mind, and for preparing me for ministry in our broadly Reformed denomination.
At Tyndale I was taught by excellent Presbyterian professors (as well as Reformed Baptists, and many others). As a student I rubbed shoulders with Catholics, Mennonites, Christian Reformed, Greek Orthodox, as well as Baptists, Brethren, Pentecostal, and other denominations.
Am I at a disadvantage from this experience? Not at all. It has taught me to listen closely and then to disagree in grace with those I don't see eye to eye with; but always, in this, to still hold our Reformed understanding of Scripture with integrity.
When I went to Presbyterian College I was formed for ministry alongside of people studying to be United Church and Anglican ministers, again learning to speak the truth as I have come to understand it in my journey of faith, in love. (Maybe many who write into our magazine need to learn to do the same.)
Truth … Am I any less a Presbyterian than my peers in my actions and the way that I conduct worship on a Sunday morning? The congregation I serve seems very happy with our blend of very traditional Presbyterian worship, as well as more contemporary songs (I am deeply gladdened that our youth and young adults have been very involved in this ministry).
I am deeply committed to the scriptural virtues of love and unity, and I am deeply committed to pour out my life in service to Christ, through serving our church, this part of Christ's Church, in our time in history.
I do agree our church should be "Reformed and Reforming according to the Word of God." That being said, I might not agree with Ewing's social views based on my understanding of Scripture (or those of Derrick Cunningham also in September's Record), but does that make me any less a Presbyterian, or does that make me any less able to help lead our Church into the future? I certainly hope not.

About Timothy Ferrier,
Chesley, Ont.