A Historic Tradition

Re The P in PCC, September
The Presbyterian Church in Canada has a long history of receiving ministers from other churches and welcoming graduates from other theological colleges. It is disappointing, therefore, to read a letter which questions their motivations and contributions. As I read it, the letter-writer is asking us to set aside the historic inclusive ecumenical welcome that befits the gospel and has characterized our traditional Presbyterian church at its best. While he obviously feels that this impoverishes our church, many are of the opinion that it strengthens us. And let's remember: those who come from other churches and theological colleges are vetted by presbyteries and the Committee on Theological Education and often required to undertake additional studies at our own theological colleges. In the future, the Record might wish to consider whether it is appropriate to print letters that make unprovoked and unsubstantiated allegations against an identifiable group of ministers within our denomination. Surely we are better than that.

About John Vissers
The Presbyterian College, Montreal